Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Sketch photo

Painting Pictures

File:Chinesischer Maler von 1238 001.jpg

Deutsch: Chinesischer Maler von 1238
English: By a Chinese artist in the year 1238
Deutsch: Porträt des Ch'an-Meisters Wu-chun
English: Portrait of Chinese Chan-Buddhist monk Wuzhun Shifan

File:Mona Lisa.jpeg
Italiano: La Gioconda (Monna Lisa)
English: Mona Lisa
Español: La Mona Lisa
Français : La Joconde
Deutsch: Die Mona Lisa
between 1503 and 1506
English: Creation of Adam
ca. 1511
Transferred from en.wikipedia; transferred to Commons by User:Mangostar using CommonsHelper.
File:Leonardo da Vinci 002.jpg
Deutsch: Das Abendmahl
File:Les Demoiselles d'Avignon.jpg
Les Demoiselles d'Avignon. Oil on Canvas (244 x 234 cm).
Museum of Modern Art, New York
Pablo Picasso completed Les Demoiselles d'Avignon in 1907. Les Demoiselles d'Avignon appeared in the May 1910 edition of the Architectural Record, a US publication [1]. Although it was labeled a "study", numerous sources confirm that the painting itself was reproduced therein (please see File talk:Chicks-from-avignon.jpg#2008 renewal of discussion). It wasn't published in France until 1925, when it appeared in La Révolution surréaliste [2].

Painting History

The history of painting reaches back in time to artifacts from pre-historic humans, and spans all cultures, that represents a continuous, though disrupted, tradition from Antiquity. Across cultures, and spanning continents and millennia, the history of painting is an ongoing river of creativity, that continues into the 21st century.[1] Until the early 20th century it relied primarily on representationalreligious and classicalmotifs, after which time more purely abstract and conceptual approaches gained favor.
Developments in Eastern painting historically parallel those in Western painting, in general, a few centuries earlier.[2] African artIslamic artIndian art,[3] Chinese art, and Japanese art[4] each had significant influence on Western art, and, eventually, vice-versa.[5]File:Lascaux2.jpgFile:Haljesta.jpg
File:Lascaux painting.jpg

Drawing history

Cave paintingsThe human being has always felt the need to represent all that surrounds him, finding in drawing, the most interesting means to carry out this desire. The first drawings goes back to the Superior Paleolithic , 35.000 years ago, when the Homo sapiens represented on the cave surfaces of the caves or on the skin of the coats, animals that he hunted. An example of this artistic manifestation can be found in the cave paintings of the caves of Altamira, in Cantabria (Spain).

Later, the Egyptians knew how to take profit of this art to decorate the most imposing constructions in the history; the pyramids. It had passed thousands of years and the drawing had evolved substantially. From the single-coloured and static composition of the prehistory, a new stride had been made to the balance, thoroughness and coloring of the theological representations in temples and sanctuaries. There was a need to detail the figure of gods to thank them the splendor of the Egyptian empire
It was necessary to advance to the sixth century BC to find in the Greeks the maximum representatives of the balance in drawing. Worried to center in the human candid expression, they denude it from any ostentation or supernatural connotation, they are able to achieve their target and they obtain what was considered to be the harmonic balance.
Roman thecnic drawingThe Romans, 500 years later, contributed to the diversity it was lacking . And army and an discipline was required to maintain an empire on such an extensive territory in order to subdue so many diverse cultures under the same authority. That facilitated, in certain part, the abandonment of the artistic and ornamental stuff to come closer to a more practical and more useful doctrine for that time; Solid constructions were necessary to maintain the authority from the continuous attacks of the invaders. They obtained in the drawing the means to reflect what the useful constructions needed to be . The first maps arose and with them the architecture was born. The technical drawing required a bigger technique and mathematical knowledge about what had been forged until that moment.